Christmas at St John’s
Explore the true meaning of Christmas and the carols that proclaim Jesus to the world
We love Christmas! From the nativity story, with fancy dress up worship, to carols around the Christmas Tree taking Jesus out into the community, we love celebrating the story of Jesus. You are warmly welcomed to join us this Christmas.
And here’s our Christmas news for you! Christmas Flyers with all info available at church, and here it is in pdf format:
Messy Advent
A fun, craft-filled morning to kick off the season of Advent! Ideally suited for families with children in primary school or younger.
Saturday - 30th November, 10 - 11am
Booking required!
Our usual Saturday Coffee Shop with hot drinks and food for purchase, but with Christmas-themed stalls and crafts for the kids, as well!
Saturday - 7th December, 10am-1pm
Christmas Coffee Shop
Encounter Carols
A more upbeat and joyful take on carols, celebrating Jesus, led by the Encounter Team! Come celebrate with us before the Lord!
Sunday, 15th December - 7:30pm
Come hear and experience the story behind the Christingle!
Saturday, 21st December, 4pm
Booking via button!
Christingle Service
A time of Christmas carols and bible readings from the Christmas story, by candlelight!
Sunday, 22nd December, 7pm
Carols by Candlelight
Carols in the Village
The Salvation Army leads carols around the Christmas tree in Minworth and Walmley
Monday, 16th December, 6:30pm in Minworth and 7:45pm in Walmley Village
Evening Compline
During Holy Week, in the lead up to Christmas Day, the clergy lead Evening Compline prayer time live on our Facebook page.
9pm Monday - Friday, 16th Dec - 20th Dec
A quiet, reflective service for those who find Christmas a difficult time of year
Wednesday, 18th December - 7pm
Quiet Christmas
Tuesday, 24th December
4pm Crib Service - come dressed as your favourite nativity character!
11:30pm Midnight Holy Communion
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, 25th December
10am All-Age Holy Communion