Social Team
St John’s Social Team
The Social Team organise events throughout the year to bring us together for a variety of events and activities. They are a great group of people who get creative when it comes to getting people together for fun!
Previous Events: Frog Racing in February (don’t ask, you’d have to have been there!), King’s Coronation Celebration in May (fantastic time together in the Vicarage Garden), Food Around the World (where St John’s people showcased their speciality cuisines and the rest of us enjoyed eating it!), a Coach day trip to Cambridge, and the Out of the Ashes Band concert in October. Still to come: Tear Fund’s Big Quiz Night Out in November.
Coming in 2025!
8/2/25 Frog Racing & Games Night
10/5/25 Food around the World
If you would like to get involved with the Social Team at St John's, we would be happy to direct you to the right people.