Open to all in the community with children aged 5 and under!
Tiddlywinks is our carers' and toddlers' group, which meets on Monday mornings during term time from 10-11:30AM. It is open to all in the community, with children aged 5 and under!
A typical morning at Tiddlywinks includes free play and crafts from 10AM, and then a Celebration Time, which includes a story and song, at 11:15AM. Refreshments for adults and children are available throughout! We ask for a donation of £2 per family.
Don't worry if you don't know anyone! You will be welcomed into a safe and caring environment where you will be able to make friends with people at the same stage of life.
If you’d like further information, you can phone the church office on 0121 313 0413 or email kat@stjw.org.uk. You can also find us on Facebook, just search for stjwtiddlywinks.
Tiddlywinks Team
These are just some of the lovely people who help run Tiddlywinks every week!