During Lent
Lent is the time leading up to Easter (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day), when we think about Jesus’ sacrifice for us. It’s a time for prayer, thoughtful reflection and spiritual growth.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is on the 5th March this year. There will be an Ash Wednesday service, with the signing with ash and holy communion at 7:30 pm, to which all are welcome.
At St John’s this year, we are also running two courses to provide different ways for us as a church to engage in Lent.
Lent Course: Living to Please God book study, led by Paul Cain and Allan Hampton
Dates: Tuesdays, 11th Mar - 15th April, 6 weeks
Time: 7 - 9 pm
Venue: St John’s Church Lounge
Hearing God’s Voice, an exploration of the gift of prophecy, led by Franci, Alicia and Ros
Dates: Thursdays, 13th Mar - 10th April, 5 weeks
Time: 7:30 pm - 9 pm
Venue: St John’s Church
Eco Lent
For various ways to eco-fast for Lent, see our Eco Team page here.