Make a joyful contribution today and help us continue spreading God's love and transforming lives.
We value your partnering with us financially in the ministry of St John’s. God loves a cheerful giver! In giving we bless others, and God also bless us. There are several ways you can choose to do this. Please see these suggestions below.
Parish Giving Scheme
Giving via the Parish Giving Scheme for regular donations or one-off donations also lets us claim Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer. This increases the value of your giving by 25%! Just use the button below.
Give Online
We use ChurchSuite for one-off giving funds, in support of ministries like Food Parcels or the Hardship Fund, and for selling tickets to events.
Bank Transfer
You can also give by setting up a regular payment by standing order from your bank.
Account Name: PCC of Walmley Parish
Account Number: 01739412
Sort Code: 30-98-37
We have regular collections at all of our Sunday services, where you can give by cash, cheque or contactless station.