Daily Devotional for Friday 1st December

David has a close shave

1 Samuel 23:19-29

It’s somewhat jaw-dropping, isn’t it? The residents of Ziph are from the same tribe as David, so why do they take it upon themselves to suck up to Saul and give away the location of where David is hiding? As we shall see later on in 1 Samuel, it’s not the only time they cause David serious problems.

Here again, in this passage we see contrasts. Yesterday we say the loyalty and support of Jonathan for David, now we see the treachery of his own kinsmen. While Jonathan seeks out David to provide support, the Ziphites seek to hand him over to Saul. Their lack of family solidarity is striking and their support for Saul is misplaced. 

Saul asks for more detailed information on David’s whereabouts so that he can come in and deal the death blow to David. It must have been terribly frightening at the time for David and his men as they played hide and seek from both the Ziphites and Saul with his whole army. In fact, it’s getting far too close for comfort as Saul is actually closing in on David.  (v26) Unbeknown to David, the Philistines have a further hand to play when Saul receives an urgent request for assistance. “Come quickly! The Philistines are raiding the land.’ (v27) Again we see, how God is able to work in many ways to ensure His plans come to fruition.

Time to reflect…

Consider how God may have rescued us from disaster as He did David. Often we may not even know about it. Give thanks to God with a grateful heart.

Pause to pray…

Father God, thank you for the concern you have for each and every one of your children to flourish. Thank you for your protection from the difficulties and dangers of this world.  Help us to have our eyes so fixed on you that we keep within your plan for our lives. We pray this for the glory and praise of God. Amen.




Daily Devotional for Monday 4th December


Daily Devotional for Thursday 30th November