Daily Devotional for Wednesday 29th November
David saves the people of Keilah
If you were King Saul and a neighbouring enemy had attacked one of the border towns in your country, you would have thought that it might have crossed your mind to go and help secure the safety of that town and their people. Not so King Saul. Don’t forget he’s just allowed the massacre of the town of Nob, in the same way he is not bothered about the town of Keilah. What he is bothered about is capturing David as he sees this as a way of securing his power.
Previously we saw the contrast between Saul and David when it came to seeking God’s will through his prophets. Now we see another contrast between them over their responsibility for the people of Israel. David cares for them and Saul’s not bothered.
But it’s not plain sailing. Quite rightly David’s men spot the danger of fighting the Philistines in front of them with Saul’s men behind them. So after an initial response from God indicating that rescuing Keilah was the right thing to do, because of his men’s concern, he asks God again before proceeding to free the town of Keilah from the Philistines.
We continue to see the hand of God in the life of David, because Abiathar, the only priest to escape from Nob, catches up with David in Keilah. In contrast, Saul makes no attempt to enquire from God but is happy to conclude that first of all David has made a big mistake by staying in Keilah and as a result, his capture is a gift from God.
What a contrast we see between the lifestyle of David and Saul and their relationship with God.
Time to reflect…
How distinctive is our lifestyle from those who have no Christian faith? What are we doing to invest time in our relationship with God?
Pause to pray…
Almighty God, thank you that as we read your word we can see your hand at work in the life of your servant David. Thank you as well that when we look back we can see your hand in the shaping of our lives as well. Like David, help us to stay close to you and live our lives to bring you glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen