Daily Devotional for Thursday 28th December
Day 4 - Simeon
This week the devotionals are focussed on people who were there at the first Christmas. We will follow a simple pattern:
1. Read the bible. Hear God’s word to us.
2. Reflect on an aspect of the passage with a focus on a person.
3. Pray. We will pray the same prayer at the end of each day’s devotional.
Our aim is that the simplicity and repetition will help us draw closer to Jesus this Christmas whatever we’re going through at the moment.
We pray that we’re built up and encouraged in our walk with Jesus – whether that’s in our: sadness or happiness, busyness or quietness, in the company of others or loneliness.
Read: Luke 2:25-35
Time to reflect…
Simeon is a man who has had a promise from God that he would see The Messiah before he dies. He had been waiting patiently for many years. Had he been preparing too?
Read what Simeon knows about Jesus and think about how amazing those things are:
V30 “My eyes have seen your salvation”
V32 “a light for revelation to the Gentiles”
V32 “the glory of your people Israel”
Can you imagine what his face might have looked like when he was saying these things? What about his tone? Do you think he was standing still?
We get a glimpse of how absolutely awesome and significant Jesus is here, but see how the tone changes in verses 34 & 35 – It’s not going to be easy for anyone in the passage. That’s a consequence of knowing and trusting Jesus, but that doesn’t take away from the joy of salvation.
How do you think Joseph and Mary felt when hearing what he had to say?
Bring before God how you feel when you read this part of His word today.
Pause to pray…
Heavenly Father, we pray that as we reflect on the people who were there at Jesus’ birth, you would prepare us by your Holy Spirit for Jesus’ return.
We pray that we would be so amazed by your grace and love for us that our praise and thankfulness would overflow this Christmas time, so that those around us would learn of your love for them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.