Daily Devotional for Friday 8th December
Zechariah’s Song
So Zechariah, the one-time doubter, now turns prophet under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We have seen that his neighbours were in awe and all of Judea was talking about these events they had witnessed or heard about – but John’s father is granted special insight here. His language is steeped in the Old Testament. Recalling with words of Gabriel and picking up on Isaiah 40 v 3, Zechariah sees that his son is to prepare the way (v 76).
He can also see, with further echoes of Malachi 4 v 2 (v 78) what lies beyond. He prophecies the benefits that will come to God’s people, and all who believe – at the very least salvation (not from national enemies but from the power of sin), rescue (from the control of evil), freedom from fear (and from guilt and shame), the ability to serve in righteousness and holiness, forgiveness, light, life and peace. We know God is faithful and will honour these promises. There have been times in history when God has seemed distant and unconcerned. We all know times when God seems far away when our prayers seem to bounce back off the ceiling. This certainly was the case in Zechariah’s long life before the angel Gabriel visited him – and had been the experience of Israel for four hundred years before that. It was the experience of many in the Old Testament and voiced in many of the psalms. Now though, while there is still much to be revealed, there is no doubt that the faithful God is acting to fulfil His ancient promises.
Zechariah can rejoice in what God is doing. With the blessed understanding coming from the benefit of subsequent revelation, we, this Advent, can rejoice in so much more.
Time to reflect…
During Advent try to find time to think of the benefits that Zechariah mentions and the way in which they apply to us as new covenant people of God – and then…..
Pause to pray…
Let’s pray that we will have peace in our hearts, that we may create peace in our homes and help to spread peace in the world, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen