Daily Devotional for Monday 22nd January
As we near the end of the book of 1 Samuel, we find David still on the run and Saul still trying to pursue him. David is hiding in the wilderness near Jeshimon and Saul is given a tip-off by the Ziphites as to his whereabouts. David knows that Saul has arrived and set up camp but instead of running away or attacking Saul’s troops he sets out to Saul’s camp. Along with Abishai, David walks into the camp and sees them lying down asleep.
Here David had a choice. In front of him lay Saul, the man who had been pursuing him for so long. The man who had turned David’s life into hide and seek. He could easily have killed him. Ended the pursuit. Claimed the victory. Abishai certainly thinks that’s the best option. He says, 'Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands. Now let me pin him to the ground with one thrust of the spear; I won’t strike him twice’ (v.8). Perhaps David was tempted to agree. The thought of not having to run anymore, not being afraid anymore, must have been tempting.
But David says, ‘Don’t destroy him! Who can lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed and be guiltless?’ (v.9). He knows that it’s not in God’s plan for him to destroy Saul. He leaves Saul’s life in God’s hands. He leaves the judging, and the timing, to God.
So often we can be tempted to fix our problems ourselves rather than trust God. We can be tempted to rush into a ‘quick fix’ rather than waiting for God to work in His timing. Sometimes God does call us to do something about our problem, to take a step, to make a change. Other times He asks us to wait, for it is His battle to fight. It takes wisdom, discernment, and an open heart to know what God’s asking us to do in our situation. Let’s be like David who avoided rushing into a ‘quick fix’ and instead trusted God for the bigger picture.
Time to reflect…
• How do you think David was feeling when he discovered Saul had set up camp nearby?
• If you’d been in David’s situation, do you think you’d have agreed with Abishai or David?
• Have you ever been tempted to rush into a ‘quick fix’ rather than wait for God’s timing and direction?
Pause to pray…
Take some time to bring to God any situations you’re facing today. Ask for His direction and wisdom. If you need to wait for God to move, ask for the strength to be patient and wait expectantly. If there’s something God is calling you to do, ask for the courage to do it.