Daily Devotional for Friday 10th November

Stepping Stones

1 Samuel 17:52-58

Have you ever felt like you weren’t making any progress in life, and then looked back and seen how far you’ve really come? At the time it didn’t feel like things were changing, but in retrospect you can see how God had been guiding and leading you. I wonder if that’s how David felt. He began his life as a shepherd in Bethlehem, the youngest son of Jesse. He experiences an incredible event when Samuel the prophet comes and anoints him with holy oil. The Holy Spirit comes upon David suddenly and things must have felt different! David finds a place in Saul’s palace, as a musician and armour bearer. But David still spent time back at home with his sheep, because that where we find him at the start of 1 Samuel 17.

Today’s passage is a bit confusing. How could Saul not know who David is? How could he not recognise his musician? How could he not recognise someone he loved greatly (1 Samuel 16:21)? Perhaps a lot of time had passed between his time with Saul and this event with Goliath. Perhaps Saul had so much on his mind that he really did forget. We don’t know. But what we do know is that after Goliath had been killed, Saul really noticed David. This starts off David’s strong relationship with Saul’s son Jonathan (as we’ll see at that start of the next chapter) and gives him greater advantages.

God chose David to be the new king, but there was a journey that David had to go one before he arrived at that calling. He wasn’t anointed by Samuel and suddenly the king. He still spent time as a shepherd, he was in and out of Saul’s court, he was loved and then not recognised. Maybe it felt like one step forward and two steps back. Have you ever felt like that? The things God’s promised you will happen. He is faithful. But there may be a journey to get there. There may be lots of small stepping stones to walk across until you arrive at the promise. He is at work, even when we don’t see things changing.


Time to reflect...

•   Looking back at your life, can you see God at work? Can you see how small changes have led you to this point?

•   How patient are you when you have to wait for things to change?


Pause to pray…

God, thank you that all your promises are ‘yes and amen’. You are faithful and you are always working. Help me to hold on to that when it doesn’t feel like anything is changing, and my patience is running out. Thank you for the journey you have brought me on in my life so far. Please guide me as I keep moving forwards. Amen.


Daily Devotional for Monday 13th November


Daily Devotional for Thursday 9th November