Daily Devotional for Friday 23rd February
Defence in Antioch
The Jerusalem agreement we saw in yesterday’s reading (v 9), in which Paul was encouraged to proclaim the gospel to the uncircumcised Gentiles, evidently had cracks. Paul would carry on telling Gentiles about Jesus, but it might still be difficult for Jewish and Gentile Christians to mix. Judaic food laws became a major issue. Some Jewish believers in Jesus were in two minds about eating with Gentiles, and Paul relates he was indignant when Peter changed his stance (vs 11,12). Peter seemingly had no problems eating with Gentile believers since his vision and visit to Cornelius (Acts 10) but when conservative Jewish believers from Jerusalem visited (and probably criticised Peter) he changed his behaviour. Paul viewed Peter’s behaviour, failing to keep to his convictions, as hypocrisy and a violation of the gospel.
The larger consequence of Peter’s hypocrisy was that other Jewish believers withdrew from fellowship with Gentile believers. This effectively led to a divided church which, for Paul, was contrary to the gospel. The truth of the gospel Paul explains to the Galatians is that a person is justified (declared right with God - that is, saved) through faith in Christ, not through keeping the Law about food – or anything else (v 15). The Law was abolished or set aside on the cross. The cross then brings new life, a new way of being and belonging (v 20). Christians of different races may trust in Jesus, with the same faith and on the same basis. When they do, they belong together as one fellowship. This point is at the heart of Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
Time to reflect…
True freedom is achieved by dying to self and creating space for the one who loved us so much that he died for us. How does this look in your life?
Pause to pray…
Lord, through Jesus you have called us to be one in the family of your church: give us grace to break down the barriers which keep us apart so that we may grow in love for one another, to the glory of your name through Jesus Christ, Amen.