Daily Devotional for Tuesday 4th June
Getting it wrong
The saying ‘pride goes before a fall’ actually originates from the Bible! Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”.
Peter got the answer right in verses 27-30, but, boy, does he get it wrong in verses 31-33!
Following Jesus’ conversation with the disciples about who He is, and Peter’s correct answer that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, Peter then goes on to disagree with Jesus about what Jesus says next. The cheek of it!
Jesus begins to tell the disciples that He is going to have to die, and how, but that He would rise again 3 days later. This was the first time He spoke with them about His death and resurrection. It must have been very hard for the disciples to hear, let alone understand. Their Messiah is going to be rejected by the chief priests and elders, be killed, and come to life again?!
Peter, thinking he knows better, tells Jesus off for saying this. He actually rebukes Jesus.
Jesus, looking at Peter, sees that he is deceived and being used by satan to try and discourage Jesus from going to the cross and fulfilling His God's purpose on earth. So, Peter gets rebuked by Jesus! He says to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s” (v.33).
Can you imagine how Peter felt? He would be devastated, kicking himself, embarrassed before Jesus and his friends, thinking he would never get anything right ever again. That’s often how we feel when we get things wrong.
Scripture doesn’t tell us what happened immediately after that between Jesus and Peter, but 6 days later, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John with Him up a mountain and they witness His transfiguration. Jesus hasn’t rejected Peter, after all. He included Peter in a magnificent foretaste of glory to come.
Time to reflect…
· Sometimes we find it harder to forgive ourselves and to believe in God’s forgiveness and mercy over us than we should. Once we repent of our sins, scripture says we are forgiven the guilt as well as the sin (Psalm 32:5).
· Let’s thank God for His forgiveness and redemption, and look to see where we can extend forgiveness and allow redemption to take place in our lives with others.
Pause to pray…
Dear Father God, thank You for forgiving me my sins. Thank You that You loved me so much, You sent Jesus Your Son to die in my place, pay my price. Help me to follow You faithfully today, confessing my sins and believing Your word when it says my sins and my guilt are washed away by the blood of Jesus. Help me to take Your hand and walk on through this day with You. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.