Daily Devotional for Thursday 6th June

Jesus’ glory moment

Mark 9:2-13

Whoa! Get ready for a supernatural moment! Jesus goes up a high mountain with Peter, James, and John, and He was transfigured before them. They got a glimpse of Jesus’ glory. Not only that, but they saw Elijah and Moses (both well past their death date), walking around with Jesus, talking with Him, and they also were transfigured – displaying their resurrection bodies.

Only Peter would have the nerve to respond to this by saying something! Everyone else was struck dumb, overwhelmed and amazed; scripture says ‘terrified’. Peter, really, doesn’t know what to say, but he has to say something, so he responds by saying, We should build you three some temples up here. 

Then this gets even better! The disciples see a cloud form, overshadowing them, and they hear an audible voice say out of the cloud, “This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him!” God the Father reveals His presence and speaks to authenticate Jesus – who He is and that the disciples/we should listen to Him.

And then it was over.

It’s often like that when we have a God encounter. We come to a moment when time seems to stop, we hear God speaking to us (however He chooses to do so – through His Word, in our minds, by His Spirit) or moving on our hearts, and we realize we’ve had an encounter with the living God, and then time moves on.

As they came down the mountain, Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone about this encounter until after His resurrection.

I wonder what the disciples thought as they pondered their glory encounter with God. When the going would get tough, it would be one of the memories that would keep their resolve strong and faith bright.


Time to reflect…

  • What God moment do we cherish and hold onto? How does it help us when the going gets tough?

  • Are we listening to Jesus? What is He saying to us?


Pause to pray…

Father God, show us Your glory! Like Moses, Father, we aren’t satisfied with just getting an answer to a problem – we want You! Thank You for the times in our lives when You have revealed Yourself and Your heart to us. May we remember and cherish our life with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Daily Devotional for Friday 7th June


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 5th June