Daily Devotional for Monday 21th June

Am I Really Bothered?

Mark 11:12 -26

The Temple in Jerusalem was grand, beautiful and of central importance to the Jewish people. It was built as a place for God to dwell – being present but not contained: and a place for God’s people to meet Him through prayer and worship. Last week we read how God Himself – in the person of Jesus – entered the Temple. What did He find there? A worshipful community of people seeking God and ready to meet Him?

No, He didn’t. Just as the fig tree in this passage failed to deliver what it promised (v 13), so it was with the Temple. Its courts were bustling with people who were not seeking and serving God but seeking and serving their own interests. There were those who were indifferent to worship and using the Temple courts as a thoroughfare as they advanced their trade (v 16). There were those who were hindering rather than helping worship – selling animals for sacrifice at a profit, making it a den of robbers (vs15, 17).

No wonder Jesus was indignant. But cursing a fig tree and causing mayhem in the Temple don’t sit right in a culture like ours which puts such high, if superficial, value on the acceptance of everything. Jesus though is really bothered by all this and is deeply moved by what He believes should be, set against the reality He sees. Jesus’ response was bound to bring animosity (v 18) but this abuse of a sacred place could not be quietly ignored or negotiated.

Time to reflect…

In verse 24 Jesus tells us….’ whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.’

What do you think Jesus finds in the churches of our country today?  Are they houses of prayer for all nations (v 17) – places of true worship, where people are seeking and serving God? Or would Jesus find the equivalent of dens of robbers, places of sham worship where people are not bothered about these things because they are seeking and serving their own interests?

Let’s pray and be thankful that St John’s stays true to the Word of God But reflect on what would Jesus find in your heart as you worship Him here. Are you really bothered?

Pause to pray…

Father God, may we be people who worship you in Spirit and in truth - in our church and in our lives. Amen






Daily Devotional for Tuesday 25th June


Daily Devotional for Friday 21st June