Daily Devotional for Wednesday 10th July

The Last Supper

Mark 14:12-26

I love eating food. I love how it brings people together, how it supports people, and how it energises us. The Last Supper is a fascinating story of Jesus sharing what would have been a very standard Jewish meal. He loved eating with His friends and doing Jewish traditions with them. What makes this meal so different is He picked up the bread, broke it, and said it was His body. Then picked up the wine and said it was His blood. He commanded the disciples to remember. Remembering is the most commonly occurring commandment in the whole bible. Remembering stuff was so important to God that He even asked His people (the Israelites) to attach scriptures to their hands and foreheads (Deuteronomy 6:8) so they wouldn’t forget.

Jesus took remembering very seriously. He knew what He was about to do was going to change the course of history forever. The last thing He wanted was for His closest friends to forget. So taking a meal they are very familiar with and using it to help them remember His sacrifice was a really easy way to make sure His sacrifice doesn’t go in vain.

I am terrible at remembering. I often walk into a room and forget why I even walked in there. I need to use aids to help me remember. Write down what I am looking for, speaking out loud what I am going into a room to get, or even singing a song about that item I’m looking for so I don’t forget. Remembering is vital for our faith!

The other aspect of the Last Supper is Jesus’ knowledge of Judas Iscariot’s betrayal. How he was so devoted to the fathers plan for salvation, Jesus accepted him and loved him despite knowing all of his future flaws. He still shared His last supper with him. How often do we reject Jesus’ teachings and plans for us but yet He still loves us and wants a relationship with us? I personally can’t count how many times Jesus forgave me. Even Peter who He chose to build His church betrayed Jesus and He still chose Him despite that. In Isiah 53:5 it says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” The Last Supper is a beautiful story on how Jesus was truly the most beautiful sacrifice we could have ever wanted. He chose to eat with His betrayer and He chose to call His disciples to follow Him even though they would run away from Him when He was arrested. He called us despite knowing we might run away, betray Him, or deny Him. The Last Supper shows God’s incredible forgiveness to us. This is why we do it regularly at church, to remind us of His forgiveness and grace despite our wrongdoings.

Time to reflect…

Is there something you want to say sorry to Jesus for? Is there a time you can remember forgiveness and grace at work in your life?

Pause to pray…

Father, we thank you for sending Jesus to die for us. We thank you for making a way for us despite all the things we do wrong and despite the times we betray you. We thank you for your grace and forgiveness so we can have a personal relationship with you. Thank you, Jesus, Amen.









Daily Devotional for Thursday 11th July


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 9th July