Daily Devotional for Tuesday 11th June

For Jesus

Mark 9:38-41

In our reading today, we join Jesus again as He teaches His disciples that it’s not all about them! As the imperfect human beings that we are, our default is often to think our own way of doing things is the best and only way. And this thinking can extend to the groups we are a part of, and even the churches that we attend.


John, the disciple telling Jesus how he told another man to stop driving out demons, wants to restrict working in Jesus’ name to the official group of disciples, but Jesus has no such qualms; if someone is driving out demons by mentioning Jesus’ name, such a person is honouring Jesus, and is hardly likely to be saying anything bad about Him. Jesus tells John that ‘whoever is not against us is for us.’


The difference in attitude between John and Jesus isn’t just about being exclusive (like John) or inclusive (like Jesus); it’s about the difference between seeing Jesus’ work as a private and privileged operation and seeing it as an event that is open for everyone to be involved with, in Jesus’ name.


John’s attitude (which of course fits with the approach we found in yesterday’s reading, in which the disciples were arguing about who would be the greatest) is a symptom of a disease that afflicts the church to this day. How easy it is for any of us, to assume that the church belongs to us.


How easy, too, for people who have always worshipped and prayed within one particular tradition or style to feel that this is the ‘proper’ way. That isn’t to say, of course, that some styles may not be richer, or more satisfying, than others. But out there in the world, beyond even rudimentary theological education and training, there are millions of Christians whom Jesus may be referring to as ‘little ones who believe’ (verse 42). If those who have training and education do anything that excludes such people, they are in deep trouble, as we will find out tomorrow.



Time to reflect…

Can you think of a time when you have acted like John in our reading today? Take some time to talk to Jesus about that now, and hear what He has to say to you.


Perhaps you can relate to the man John told to stop – you don’t feel like you are part of the ‘official’ group of disciples. Listen to the way Jesus encourages you through this passage, knowing that you are just as much a disciple of Christ as one of the twelve.



Pause to pray….

Lord Jesus, we’re sorry when we exclude people because they are not like us, or we feel that they don’t do things the way we think they should be done. We worship you because you are Lord of all. Help us to remember that today and look for ways to encourage others in their faith. Amen



Daily Devotional for Wednesday 12th June


Daily Devotional for Monday 10th June