Daily Devotional for Wednesday 1st May

A bit of a scrum

Mark 3:7-12

It gets worse for the Pharisees and Jewish authorities. Although He isn’t in the Synagogue, the word of Jesus healing those who are sick has clearly spread out around the region. If you have time why don’t you look at a map of Israel in New Testament times and find the place names mentioned in v8. This suggests people with diseases had travelled from some considerable distance to be healed.


Now bring to mind the image of the starving people in Gaza; perhaps one you’ve seen on TV of pushing and shoving in a crowd at a food distribution centre hoping to get some food to eat. It’s this kind of image that is described in v.10.  People were pushing and shoving in the crowd, simply to touch Jesus. They were desperate for Jesus and nothing was going to put them off. 


On the other hand, for Jesus and the disciples, the scrum of people must have been pretty scary. No wonder He’d already moved to be beside the lake and had a boat on standby in case the crowd became unmanageable. Such foresight isn’t just strategy or tactics; it goes deeper than that. There are sharp reminders in this account that there is divine planning for a divine purpose going on here.  Notice in v11 that Jesus is also dealing with impure spirits.


Finally, probably to the dismay of the Jewish authorities, this passage marks the expansion of Jesus’ ministry from teaching in local synagogues to that of a national movement attracting people from far and wide. 


Time to reflect…

Think of the compassion Jesus showed to all those who flocked to Him for healing.  Reflect on His self-denial in putting those in need first. Consider how our lifestyles can reflect that of Jesus.


Pause to pray…

Almighty God, thank you that unlike those we’ve been reading about today, we don’t have to travel long distances to meet with you, but can reach out and find you from wherever we are. Thank you that Jesus touches our lives in so many ways. May we reflect the touch of Jesus to those around us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Daily Devotional for Thursday 2nd May


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 30th April