Daily Devotional for Tuesday 23rd April
Trust and Obey
At first reading this event looks a little strange to us. Why does Jesus react to this man with leprosy in this way? The disease ostracised him from society so it seems odd that Jesus, according to some manuscripts, is indignant – indeed angry - when he begged him: ‘if you are willing you can make me clean’ (v 40). While some texts say Jesus had compassion on the man rather than being angry with him, this would not explain why after healing the man Jesus immediately sent him away, instructing him strongly to tell no one and to show himself to the priest.
Jesus taught His followers to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves – so why should Jesus react so indignantly to this man’s situation. Perhaps it’s something to do with the man’s attitude. He begs Jesus to heal him but the words he uses are ambiguous – if you are willing, you can make me clean. Does he think Jesus might not want to? Is he goading Jesus? What lies behind those words? Mark makes this clearer when reporting the man’s response to Jesus’ command. Rather than telling no-one, he tells everyone. Rather than going to the priest, he moves around the area. Whatever his motives, he did not obey Jesus’ command but did his own thing and the result was that Jesus, whose actions were coming under more and more criticism from the authorities, could no longer enter a town safely (v 45).
Time to reflect…
Those of us who accept Jesus as our Saviour know our sins are forgiven through His sacrifice on the cross. Our response must be a desire to obey His commands and not do our own thing. He knows what is best for us.
Pause to pray…
Lord, constantly remind me of your calling on my life. Help me always to listen to your word and give me the strength and will to obey. In Jesus’ name,