Dig Deeper - Sunday 23rd February 2025

Sermon Reflection Questions - The Cost of Disobedience

1 Samuel 15:1-23

YouTube link to the service

Dig Deeper notes from Sunday 23rd February service:

  • God’s ways under the Old Covenant to bring Holiness to the world are not the same as under the New Covenant.

  • Saul appointed King to carry out commands of God – failed His command to annihilate the Amalekites.

  • Very serious charge as Saul would know.

  • Saul’s anointing withdrawn by God, but Saul continued to reign for another 11 years until killed in battle and (eventually) David appointed as King.

  • With Jesus our calling as His children, for those who commit to Him, can never be withdrawn.

  • Each has unique calling as part of the Body of Christ and need to obey God’s appointing and direction in our role.

  • Obedience more important than sacrifice (or going to church etc).

Questions to think about and discuss:

1.     What are the main differences between the Old and the New Covenants and how do they affect us?

2.     Why was Saul’s disobedience so important?

3.     Why did God allow him to continue as King even after his disobedience?

4.     What was Samuel’s role and who do you know who has this gift today?

5.     In what ways have you been appointed by God?

6.     Can you think of any examples of failure to obey God which have led to repercussions?

7.     Do we have any responsibilities to identify calling/gifting of other Christians?

8.     Are there any areas in your life where you need to be obedient and use more of the gifts that you have been given?




Dig Deeper - Sunday 2nd March 2025


Dig Deeper - Sunday 16th February 2025