Thursday 19th October
Trusting God to fight for us
Today we see how Saul and most of his army have given up, however, Jonathan decides to have faith in God and under His guidance, follow a different path, one that could help save the Israelites when all seemed doomed. Saul has forgotten who is the real King and who he should seek guidance from, but Jonathan hasn’t lost hope.
He goes with his armour bearer to the Philistine outpost and says “Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf”. Here we can see Jonathan hoping and praying that the Holy Spirit will guide them in their hour of need. The two then wait for God’s sign that He is with them before continuing.
It is important to remember to be still and wait for God’s sign to us throughout our lives. Sometimes what we believe to be right, isn’t necessarily God’s plan. He will show us the way even if we can’t see the end goal.
The Philistines reaction to seeing the two men is one of self-assurance and pride. They want to teach a lesson to the Israelites, they are almost mocking them and calling them to their deaths. But Jonathan knew he and his armour bearer had been guided by God. Even though they were in the weaker position, their faith and trust in God made them strong. The Philistines may be many in person, but Jonathan and his aid had God’s protection and assurance to protect them and lead them to victory.
Jonathan and his armour bearer killed 20 Philistines at this point. It may not have been the whole army, but their steps meant that the Israelites still had a chance. Their bravery to rely on God in their hour of need and to follow blindly in faith shows how powerful God’s will is. It also showed the Israelite army that not all hope had left, which in itself can provide comfort and confidence.
Time to reflect…
1. When you are in a position where things seem overwhelming, what steps could you take in order to better the situation?
2. How can you be more attuned to seeing or hearing God’s signs for us? Is there a time during the busy day or week that you could set aside to concentrate on being still and being guided solely by God?
Pause for prayer
Heavenly Father, I know in our busy lives we sometimes forget to stop and listen for your guidance. Sometimes we lose faith in being able to see the end goal, but I thank you for having everything mapped out for me in the palm of your hand. I pray that I can slow down and really listen for you and your signs, and that I’m not so focussed on how I can fix things myself, but remember to take the time to have faith in you fully. Amen.