Daily Devotional for Thursday 26th October

The Lord rejects Saul as king

1 Samuel 15: 1-9 

In these passages we see how God wanted Saul and his army to completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation.  Now this may sound very callous of God to request such a thing, but the Amalekites were a nation that attacked other nations and would take anything of value. They were first to attack the Israelites when they came to the promised land and continued to do so at any opportunity.  God knew that whilst this nation of Amalekites existed, the Israelites would never have peace.

The Amalekites led a life full of corrupt idolisation, God knew that whilst they were around, the Israelites were in danger. So, in order to protect the Israelites, the Amalekites needed to be destroyed.

Saul had a very large army, he went with his men and waited, Saul warned the Kenites and showed them mercy for their kindness which showed an act of kindness on his part.

Saul however didn’t do what God had requested, he didn’t destroy everyone and everything. Saul spared the Amalekite King’s life and saved the best animals that appealed to him.

We seem to see the pattern of Saul not following God’s orders fully yet again, this time doing exactly as the Amalekites were guilty of and taking what they wanted.

This action of disregarding God’s command was punishable by death. It showed a lack of respect to God by Saul. Saul’s heart was supposed to be for God, and yet we see him going against the wishes of God in order to benefit himself. What Saul did here shows us that even under God’s order, he chose to sin for personal gain.


Time to reflect…

1.       Have there been times in our lives where we have been selective over our decisions for material or personal gain?

2.       When we are faced with a decision, we must remember to try and see it using the bigger picture. God knew what He was doing by destroying the whole nation of Amalekites even if Saul didn’t. Let’s reflect on times in our lives when we haven’t understood why things have happened at that moment, but then things become clearer as time has passed.


Pause to pray…

Heavenly Father, I’m sorry for the times I have sinned for my own personal gain. Help me to remember that You know what is best for me, even if I can’t see it myself. I will follow Your word and direction in my life and I’m so thankful that You will guide me in the plans You have made for me.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


Daily Devotional for Friday 27th October


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 25th October