Daily Devotional for Monday 6th November


1 Samuel 17:1-11

This week we’re going to be reflecting on 1 Samuel 17 - the story of David and Goliath. If you grew up in a church, you’ll probably be very familiar with this story as it’s a great one to tell to children! But this passage is more than an action-packed story, it has lots for us to reflect on.

In today’s reading we meet Goliath, a giant (around 9 foot) Philistine. He is dressed ready for battle with bronze armour and weapons. He is full of pride - taunting Saul and his men. He is so full of pride that he says: ‘If he is able to fight and kill me, we will become your subjects; but if I overcome him and kill him, you will become our subjects and serve us’ (v.9). Goliath didn’t imagine that he could be defeated. It’s a reminder to us that pride isn’t one of the fruits of the spirit! Instead, we’re called to be humble. Jesus’ counter-cultural teaching tells us that the last will be first (see Matthew 20:16).

I recently read a book called ‘Facing your giants: God still does the impossible’ by Max Lucado. It followed the life of David, and encourages us to reflect on the giants we are facing in our lives. So what giants are you facing in your life? What things are coming against you and trying to overwhelm you? What’s making you feel anxious and afraid, like Saul and his men were (v.11)? What’s making you feel defeated and tired? When the enemy is shouting loudly at us, lying to us, trying to convince us that God won’t come through for us, we don’t have to give in to fear. Jesus has already won the battle. He has overcome, and we can overcome too. He gives us the strength we need and He will never leave us to fight battles on our own.

Time to reflect…

•    Reflect on any giants and battles you’re facing at the moment. What’s making you feel afraid? What’s making you feel defeated?

•    Has pride crept into your heart? What does living a life of humility look like? How did Jesus model humility to us?


Pause to pray…

Jesus, thank you that you have overcome. Thank you for always being with me. Thank you for your amazing faithfulness - even when my heart wanders, you remain faithful. Lord, today I’m facing ………… Please help me to stand up to this giant in my life and to keep my faith in you, even when things feel challenging and overwhelming. Please remove any pride in my heart, and help me live a life of humility, following your example. Amen.


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 7th November


Daily Devotional for Friday 3rd November