Daily Devotional for Friday 17th May

Jesus sends out the twelve

Mark 6: 7-13

When we have important tasks to do, it is always reassuring to complete it with others or in groups. As humans we like to have control of situations but when we have to present something to others, lone working can seem very daunting and overwhelming.

Jesus sent His 12 disciples out in pairs to preach to others and giving them authority over impure spirits. Going out individually would’ve covered ground much faster, but Jesus chose that the disciples were to work in pairs. As the saying goes “there is strength in numbers”.

Until this point, the disciples have watched how Jesus has conducted Himself and towards all other people. They have heard Him preach and interact with a variety of people and now He has given them the task of continuing this work.

He doesn’t just say “ok off you go and Good Luck!” He offers them instructions in this matter. When God is working in our lives, He is the same with us. He doesn’t suddenly go silent and expect us to do it all alone. He offers us the support we need. Are we fully open to listening for the instructions God is giving to us? And if not, what can we do to hear better?

The disciples are told not to take anything with them, no food, money or extra clothes. They are told to stay with a house until they have left that town and if they aren’t welcomed, simply shake the dust from their feet.

When we make a journey somewhere, the idea of taking nothing with us is daunting. What will we eat? Where will we stay? How will we pay for things? It can be anxiety provoking to be so unprepared. But the disciples did just as they were told and they didn’t go without. They had full trust in what Jesus had told them. We can be in situations where the what, where and how questions seem overwhelming, but remembering that we aren’t alone in situations can help with the anxiety we face.

Another important point to remember is that Jesus told His disciples to ‘shake of the dust’ if they weren’t welcomed. Jesus has demonstrated patience and understanding towards others throughout His teachings and this is another example of that. He doesn’t tell the disciples to argue their point with those who resist, but to leave and shake the dust off their feet. It was common for Jewish people to shake off the dust when passing through gentile territory to separate themselves from the gentiles. In this instance the disciples were shaking off the dust to anyone who didn’t accept Jesus regardless of being Jewish or Gentile.


Time to reflect…

1.       The disciples headed out on their mission and healed many people but were also faced with resistance. This didn’t mean they stopped at the first hurdle. Let’s remember this in our own lives. Not everybody we speak to about Jesus will be open to Him, but we will continue to speak His truth to all ears.

2.       Being unprepared in situations can cause us to hold back from acting. Has there been situations in your life where you haven’t done something because you feel unprepared?


Pause to pray…

Heavenly Father

As we come to the end of another week, we are reminded of Jesus’s lessons. There is so much for us as disciples to learn and apply within our lives today. We thank you that we can read Your word and use this knowledge in our own lives to continue spreading the great news of the Gospel. We ask for your Holy Spirit to fill us with confidence, patience and peace as we do this. In Jesus’ name we pray.






Daily Devotional for Monday 20th May


Daily Devotional for Thursday 16th May