Daily Devotional for Friday 24th May

Cleanliness is next to Godliness!

Mark 7:14-23

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness!”

Have you heard that saying?

What do you think about it?


Jesus has a different take on it – He seems to be saying in verse 15 that it’s what comes out of us that makes us unclean, not what we eat or the rules or routines we may have about washing.  We see the theme of sin again, and the theme of following traditions or human rules to make us ‘clean’ being of no use!


Time to reflect…

How about this phrase?

“The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart.”


In this passage Jesus talks about our true standing before God the Father and picks-up the state of our hearts in the first heart of the Isaiah quote in verse 6. Do you recognise your need for Jesus to?


Out of the examples that Jesus lists at the end of the passage, which one do you struggle with most? Are there other things that could be added to the list for you?


Take some time to come before God in honest repentance, using verse 21 to highlight sins in your life. You need Jesus to sort these things out, to forgive you and stand in your place before the Father and give you a new heart!


Pause to praise & pray…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQBPQNPKtRs This is a beautiful song that helps us remember what Jesus has done for us by dying ‘giving himself to save us…’


Thank you God that we are:

Wholly yours.




Hidden in Christ.

Held by the power of your love.





Daily Devotional for Monday 27th May


Daily Devotional for Thursday 23rd May