Daily Devotional for Thursday 23rd May

That which defiles

Mark 7:1-13

At the end of Chapter 6, we were asking why the disciples are hard hearted and don’t understand.  The answers given in these verses in Chapter 7 are that the problem is sin. It is also noteworthy that the theme of salvation comes out here too - that Gentiles as well as Jews will be saved by Jesus.


When we read about the habits/traditions that the pharisees have been following, we see that Jesus is very direct and clear with them – See verse 6 – He calls them hypocrites.


Time to reflect…


Be really honest with yourself now and take a good amount of time to take stock of your habits or church/spiritual traditions. What things do you do that draw you away from Jesus and actually towards ‘human rules’ (V7).

How can you make sure that you are “thinking Christianly” in your habits and traditions?


The only way is to continue to get into your bible, hear from God in it, submit to Him in trust and obedience in the power of the Holy Spirit and come before God in earnest, honest prayer with a humble attitude.


Let’s remember that not all our habits and traditions will be bad!  Which traditions/habits that you follow help you in your relationship with God? (check them against verses 6-13)


Pause to pray & praise…


Father, we pray that you would guard us against the hypocrisy that we read of here and the judgement of Jesus on the Pharisees. We pray that you would guide and protect us as we seek to be honest with you, submitting our lives to you in love and service so we can honour you with our lips and our hearts may be close to you, so we can worship you faithfully and cling to your word. Amen.


When we walk with the Lord

In the light of His Word,

What a glory He sheds on our way;

While we do His good will,

He abides with us still,

And with all who will trust and obey.


Trust and obey,

For there’s no other way

To be happy in Jesus,

But to trust and obey.


(John Henry Sammis (1846-1919))





Daily Devotional for Friday 24th May


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 22nd May