Daily Devotional for Wednesday 28th May

Just believe…

Mark 8:1-13

At first glance, this passage seems very similar to the story of Jesus feeding the 5000, only a few chapters before. The miracle takes place in the same way. Yesterday we considered how we can’t limit Jesus and fit Him into our boxes and formulas. He is always doing new things. But here we see that He also does do things more than once. It’s perhaps surprising that the disciples were so concerned that they wouldn’t be able to get enough bread to feed everyone - had they not remembered what Jesus had done before? How quickly our thankfulness and amazement at what Jesus does can fade into fear when we’re faced with a situation that seems overwhelming. We should never forget His faithfulness to us in the past.

The miracles of feeding the 5000 and 4000 are miracles of provision. We can come to Him with the little that we have, and He can multiply it. He never sends us away empty handed. He has compassion on us, just as He had compassion on these people who had come to hear His teaching. However, we serve within the life of the church and within God’s kingdom, we need to take what we can offer to Jesus and allow Him to multiply it and use it for His glory. We might feel we have little to offer, but He can take whatever we have. We can’t minister out of our own strength for long - we’ll burn out. We need God’s power.

It’s interesting that this passage ends with the Pharisees asking for a sign. Jesus has performed many miracles by this point, a dove had descended on Him at His baptism with God saying ‘This is my son’ - what more could they need to see? Even when Jesus was crucified they wanted the sign of Him coming down from the cross to prove that He was the Son of God. They couldn’t just believe. Thomas needed to see and feel the marks in Jesus’ hands and side. But ‘faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see’ (Hebrews 11:1). Even if we haven’t seen an incredible miracle or sign, like the feeding of the 4000, let’s have faith in who Jesus is and what He has done for us.


Time to reflect…

•   What do the miracles of the feeding of the 5000 and 4000 say to you about God’s provision?

•   What can you bring to Jesus and ask Him to multiply? What can you offer, however big or small, to the life of the church and the advancement of God’s kingdom?

•   Have you ever asked God for a sign?


Pause to pray…

God, I come to you today with the little that I have, and ask you to multiply it for your glory. Please use me in your kingdom. Please empower me to make a difference in my family, my community, my church. Help me to become more and more like you, and increase my faith. Amen.



Daily Devotional for Thursday 30th May


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 28th May