Daily Devotional for Tuesday 28th May

Jesus still heals

Mark 7:31-37

Today we read of another miracle of healing that Jesus performed. This time Jesus is presented with a man who ‘was deaf and could hardly talk’ (v.32). His friends brought him to Jesus and begged Him to place His hands on the man. It’s amazing that just one touch from Jesus can be so transformative - like the ‘crumbs’ we read about yesterday. Throughout Jesus’ ministry on earth, we see Him heal in so many different ways. He rarely healed people in the same way. Some, like the man in today’s story, were healed by His touch; some were healed when they reached out and touched His cloak. Some were physically healed through spiritual healing; some were healed when Jesus spoke and commanded their healing. Some were healed from a distance; some healed up close.

The people who witnessed this miracle, as with so many of the others, were amazed and overwhelmed with what they had seen. They even go as far as to say ‘He has done everything well’ (v.37). Knowing that people were so amazed and in awe of Jesus makes their cries of ‘crucify’, which come later, so much harder to understand. But, how easily can we praise God for answered prayer, for the ways we have seen Him move in our life, to only then turn our backs when He seems silent and we see no way out of a situation.

Waiting for healing can be a challenging thing. It’s even more challenging when that healing doesn’t come in this life. We ask ‘Why’? And sometimes we will never know the answers. But we can persistently ask for healing for ourselves, and for those around us. It may not happen in the way we expected, but we can constantly be on the look out for the way Jesus is bringing healing. We can’t limit Jesus to a formula or a box. He is always doing something new.

So, if you’re waiting for something today, whether it’s healing or something else, don’t give up. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep looking for new ways He is moving in your life.


Time to reflect...

•   Are you waiting on God for anything at the moment? What, or who, are you persistently praying for?

•   Have you ever tried to fit Jesus into a box? Or follow a formula to get an answer you want? What might He be doing that’s brand new in your life right now?

Pause to pray…

Pray for those who need healing at the moment. You might like to use the prayer list at the end of the Friday email to guide your prayers.



Daily Devotional for Wednesday 28th May


Daily Devotional for Monday 27th May