Daily Devotional for Thursday 13th June
Back to the Beginning
I imagine we’ve all had experience of divorce one way or another. Perhaps you have supported some close friends through a divorce, perhaps you have been a child of parents who have separated, or perhaps you yourself have personally been through a marriage breakup. It’s painful and upsetting to all those involved, and it causes much hurt.
In our reading today, some Pharisees come and test Jesus by asking Him ‘Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?’ It is important for us to consider the way the question is asked because it will help us see how Jesus answers. The question is not ‘What does God say about marriage?’ But more, ‘what does the law allow me to do?’ Or more simply ‘what can I get away with?!’ The Pharisees are interested in their own rights, not their responsibilities in a marriage. There is no concern for the implications of divorce, what that means for the wife, or the children.
Jesus’ response is very simple ‘What did Moses command you?’ Or to put it another way. What does the Law of Moses say about it? The Pharisees response is that divorce was permitted. But Jesus makes the point that Moses gave them this law because their hearts were hard. Husbands were not treating their wives with love and respect; the law was a way to protect them.
God’s perfect law for marriage is found in the very beginning, and Jesus quotes some verses from Genesis to illustrate this. His intention for marriage is between a man and a woman, who leave their parents to join together as one. You probably recognise this famous verse if you’ve been to a church wedding where Jesus says, ‘Therefore what God had joined together, let no one separate.’ (v9). When we marry it’s God who joins us together and He wants to be at the centre of our relationship.
However, sadly the reality is that we mess up. We have strayed from that perfect image of marriage that Jesus gave us at the beginning of creation. We are unfaithful in our relationships; we have become hard hearted and this in turn causes us heartache.
Sometimes divorce is inevitable, (and of course it goes without saying that if your marriage is not a safe place you must seek help to leave the relationship), but divorce is not a reason to give up on God’s intention for lifelong union between a man and a woman. We need to be able to forgive as God forgave us, and to ask God for His help and strength by the power of His Holy Spirit to be present in our relationships, working to hold us together as one.
Time to reflect…
Perhaps thinking about divorce has brought up some feelings for you that are hard and hurtful. You may be feeling bruised and broken by your experiences. Share them with Jesus and allow Him to love and comfort you. You may find the story of the woman caught in adultery helpful to reflect on (John 8:1-11) especially the part where ‘Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Is there someone you know who is struggling in their marriage? How can you help and support them?
Pause to Pray….
Heavenly Father, we’re sorry for the times we have strayed from your perfect will for our lives, please forgive us and help us to forgive those who have sinned against us.
Heal our hurts and regrets and comfort us where we feel sadness and pain. May we use our own experiences to support those we know who are struggling in their relationships today. Amen