Daily Devotional for Wednesday 3rd July

Heavenly economics

Mark 12:41-44

These four verses paint a vivid contrast in the lives of those going to the Temple.  It centres around large clay jars which were used for collecting donations at the entrance. Traditionally in our churches, we have passed round collecting plates or bags during a service, but at the Temple in Jerusalem, the donations were collected in pottery jars on the way in. Remember that in those days there was no such thing as banknotes, it would have all been in coins of varying sizes.  There’s no way that dropping coins into a clay jar could be done quietly.


So, if you were only donating a small amount it would not make much noise, but if you were putting in a larger amount, then it would be much louder, particularly if you ‘threw’ it in (v41). Jesus did not commend these large donors for the sum of money they gave, because they had significantly more disposable income than the poor widow, who gave sacrificially from what little she had.


At St John’s we stopped passing around the collection plate some time ago and as society becomes increasingly cashless, what people choose to give to our church is not obvious to others as mostly the donation is made by bank transfer.


So, as Jesus people watched those coming into the temple, He ignored those with fine clothes putting a large amount into the jars. Instead, He chose to focus on a widow, who with next to nothing left, made a sacrificial offering to God.


In His sermon on the mount, Jesus taught that what we give should be done ‘in secret’ adding that ‘Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.’ Matthew 6v4.


Time to reflect…

The bible sets out a principle for regular giving that ‘each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income’. (1 Corinthians 16:2) Would now be a good time to consider this again?


Pause to pray…

Almighty God, help us to live our lives in a way that does not attract attention to ourselves but rather seeks to bring glory to your name in all we say and do.  Where we fall short of your expectations nudge us through your Holy Spirit so that we may become more Christ-like day by day.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen








Daily Devotional for Thursday 4th July


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 2nd July