Daily Devotional for Thursday 4th July

Be on your guard

Mark 13:1-23

When we visited the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona 18 years ago, it had no roof on most of it. This year we visited again and it’s getting near completion, but still another 9 years left to go. That means it will have taken over 150 years to build. It’s a magnificent building probably as impressive as the Jerusalem Temple in its own way. Although it was only a throwaway comment by the disciples about the Temple, they got a lot more in reply than they bargained for.


In AD70, probably within the lifetime of many of those listening to Jesus, the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed by the Romans. In this passage, Jesus seeks to prepare the disciples for this event and goes on to prepare us for the way the world will be in the time before Jesus returns to reclaim His world. He does so in three statements. Don’t be alarmed, Watch out, and Stand firm.


Don’t be alarmed v7,8. Should we be surprised that we are seeing what Jesus said would happen?  Wars between nations, earthquakes, famines, and other natural disasters. At the moment these all seem to be in the news, although it’s 2000 years ago since Jesus explained this would happen. 


Then ‘watch out’ v5,6. Many people use the internet or TV channels to push warped views about Christianity. Sometimes it’s added to sound Christian teaching, which makes it difficult to spot.


Finally, ‘stand firm’ v13. The level of persecution of Christians in the UK is low compared to many other places in the world, but Jesus ‘told us in advance’ that it would happen. North Korea comes out top in the Open Doors World Watch list but there are many other countries where Christians are persecuted. Jesus encourages us to stand firm in the strength of the Holy Spirit.


Time to reflect…

Bring to mind those areas of the world where there are conflicts and natural disasters which Jesus says are evidence that Jesus’ return is still coming.  Remember too those who are being persecuted for their Christian faith.



Pause to pray…

Father God, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are standing firm in their faith even though they are facing persecution. Stand alongside each one of them and as you have promised, empower them through your Holy Spirit and comfort them in their needs. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen









Daily Devotional for Friday 5th July


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 3rd July