Daily Devotional for Friday 4th October

Staying strong in community

Ephesians 6:18-24

In our final devotional of the week, and indeed in the final verses of Ephesians, Paul wraps up by emphasising the importance of prayer and the support of the Christian community.

In verse 18, Paul writes, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Prayer should be a constant part of our lives. We can talk to God about anything, whether we are feeling joyful, worried, or confused. Whether we are going through good times or bad. Prayer helps us stay close to God and seek His guidance. Paul also reminds us to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is important, and we should practice it regularly as a church community; in doing so, it builds a strong bond between believers and shows our love for one another.

Paul then asks the Ephesians to pray for him as well. In verses 19-20, he says, “Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” Paul understands the importance of prayer in his mission. He asks for boldness to share the good news about Jesus. We have just returned from our church weekend away, which was focused on being confident in our faith. Being around each other really encouraged us in our faith and sharing the Good News with those around us. Like Paul, we all need support and encouragement from others as we share our faith. No one is meant to do this alone.

In verses 21-24, Paul closes with words of encouragement. He sends greetings from Tychicus, a fellow believer who is bringing news to the Ephesians. Paul wishes peace, love, and faith for the believers. He reminds them to keep their hearts focused on God’s grace.

These verses encourage us all to prioritise prayer and support each other in our faith journeys. When we pray and encourage one another, we grow stronger in our relationship with God and with each other.

Time to reflect…

1. How often do I make time for prayer in my daily life? What can I do to ensure I pray more regularly and sincerely?

2. Am I praying for others in my church or community? Who can I lift up in prayer today, and how can I let them know I’m praying for them?

3. Do I feel comfortable asking others to pray for me? How can I be more open about my needs and seek support from my Christian friends?

Pause to pray…

Take a moment to pray for someone you know today. You may also want to pray through our Church Prayer list, which is found at the bottom of our weekly email.


Daily Devotional for Monday 7th October


Daily Devotional for Thursday 3rd October