Daily Devotional for Monday 7th October

Exiles in our own culture

1 Peter 1: 1-5

We start a new study this week for our devotionals looking at 1 Peter.

In 1 Peter, the apostle is addressing exiles, predominately Jewish people, marooned in Asian provinces of the Roman Empire (modern-day Turkey) and longing for repatriation to their homeland Israel. They occasionally may have had the chance (such as at Pentecost) to be in the crowd in Jerusalem (Acts 2 v 5), but they are still the ‘scattered ones’ (v. 1), the diaspora, far from home. Now, they are Christians (v 2). Perhaps some heard the gospel in Jerusalem on that first Pentecost after Jesus rose from the dead when Peter preached so powerfully and urged them to repent and be baptised (Acts 2 v 38). These Christian Jews are doubly exiles – longing for home culturally and spiritually.

In this letter, Peter uses this experience of exile to explore what it means to be a stranger in an alien culture, a refugee longing for stability and home. Such an exile made to feel like an alien needs, first, a sense of security. So, Peter begins (vs 1, 2) with the reminder that our greater security comes from knowing we are chosen by God – our Creator who has His eye on us wherever we may be. This is true comfort, an affirmation more dependable than any we give ourselves or receive from a supportive friend. When our faith is seriously challenged, even with persecution, we can rely on the Comforter’s strength in our weakness (v. 2).  

Time to reflect…

Being increasingly ostracised in our own culture is a new experience for Western Christians – at least those who don’t capitulate and conform to society’s norms but keep true to God’s Holy Word. Once Christians were listened to on social matters and thereby had the opportunity to enunciate principles from Scripture regarding the Creator’s desire of what was good for us. This is no longer so in the West. So, Peter’s advice and teaching in this letter to the exiled first-century Christians has real significance for us today.

Pause to pray…

Lord Jesus, you are the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you that the faith we have now will see us through all circumstances until the Last Day. Amen


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 8th October


Daily Devotional for Friday 4th October