Daily Devotional for Monday 9th September
Today we begin a new series on the book of Ephesians. This is a letter from Paul to the church in Ephesus. At this time, Ephesus was a big city, and was known for the worship of Greek and Roman gods. Paul himself visited Ephesus which you can read about in Acts 19. Now Paul is in prison and this book is just one of the letters he wrote during this time. The book is split into two sections. The first explores the Gospel message and unity, a key theme for Paul. The second helps us to put things into practice in our lives.
These first ten verses are filled with some amazing truths that shouldn’t be rushed over. We are blessed with every spiritual blessing…we have been chosen…we’re adopted into sonship…we have freely been given grace…
It’s worth reading this passage through a few times. It’s filled with the truth about our identity in Christ, and all that our Father has done for us.
When reading this passage, I was reminded of the story of the Lost Son. Firstly, the eldest son isn’t happy when the younger son returns and the father welcomes him and throws a party. The eldest son complains that he has been there the whole time, doing the right thing, and never once has had a party thrown for him. The father points out that he has had access to all that the father has, all the time. In this passage in Ephesians we’re reminded that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. We have access to everything the Father has for us. He lavishes his love and grace on us. We may not have everything we want in this world, but we have everything we need, and more, in Christ.
Secondly, we have been adopted into sonship. We have a Father in heaven. We are part of God’s family. We can approach His throne with confidence at any time. He forgives us. We were once far away, just like the younger son, but now we can run home, be embraced by the Father, and be united with Him forever.
Time to reflect…
• Take some time to read over this passage and write down any verses and words which speak to you of your identity in Christ.
• Which spiritual blessings can you identify in your life?
• How does it make you feel to know that you have been adopted? You’re now part of God’s family and have the wonderful inheritance of eternal life!
Pause to pray…
Lord, I thank you for my identity in you. Thank you that I am loved, chosen, and adopted into your family. Thank you for lavishing your love and grace upon me, and for blessing me with every spiritual blessing. In a world that is always trying to tell me who to be, help me to remember my identity is in you. Amen.