Daily Devotional for Wednesday 15th May

Allowing actions to speak louder than words

Mark 5: 35-43

Today’s passages see us return to Jairus and his request from Jesus to help heal his sick daughter. We touched yesterday on Jairus and even though he is a synagogue leader, he went against what he had been taught by the pharisees and asked Jesus for help. This would’ve taken bravery from Jairus to go against the grain of everything he was being taught and what he preached himself. He was in a position of desperation to help his daughter.

We now see that whilst journeying to help his daughter, Jairus is told that his daughter has now in fact died. This must have caused so much pain and distraught to Jairus – hearing that his daughter had died and Jesus now being too late to help. However, upon hearing this, Jesus says the most wonderful words “Don’t be afraid, just have faith”. We all have times where we will feel lost and without hope – these words that Jesus offers us all gives us hope even when things are so dark. It is through these times that our faith in Jesus will give us strength.

Jesus continued to help Jairus and continued to go to his home. He didn’t take a large gathering with Him, just a very select few were allowed to follow. When He arrived at the home of Jairus, Jesus’s reaction towards the people there would’ve been shocking. Whilst they mourned the girl, Jesus told them to stop crying and merely said she was sleeping. Some people laughed at this. If we were in that same position, how would we react? Laughter and disbelief springs to mind, but also the slim chance of hope that this was the case. Jesus offered hope in a situation that looked very final.

Jesus proceeds to heal the girl simply by telling her to get up and she does! This defies all that we know about death. Once again, we are reminded of Jesus’ power and of His compassion towards others. Death is a very final act whereas sleep is temporary. We as followers of God have eternal life through Jesus – this gives us all hope.

Jesus warns the few people that saw this miracle (Jairus, his wife and 3 disciples) to not say a word. Actions speak louder than words and the many people that were grieving this girl would see the miracle that had happened with their own eyes. It is also so important for Jairus to witness this when he is a synagogue leader – someone who preaches to others has now been witness to a miracle! How could he possibly explain what has happened whilst still believing what the Pharisees were saying about Jesus?


Time to reflect…

1.       When going through any hardship in our lives, who do we rely on to help solve issues and fix things? It will play as a useful reminder to remember the words of Jesus – Don’t be afraid, just have faith.

2.       We can say things many times to many people, but it is worth considering that our own actions will speak volumes. What actions can we do to show others of our faith in Jesus and how wonderful our God is?

Pause to pray…

Wonderful Jesus

Once again you show us your power and infinite love for all of us. Help us to remember this when we face moments of deep trouble and sadness in our lives. Remind us of Your words to not be afraid even when we can’t see ahead and to lean into You to catch each of us. Amen.




Daily Devotional for Thursday 16th May


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 14th May