Daily Devotional for Tuesday 14th May

Being healed by faith

Mark 5: 21-34

At the start of today’s verses, we are introduced to Jairus – he is a synagogue leader who has heard of Jesus’ power. He pleads with Jesus to help heal his sick daughter. At this time the synagogue leaders would’ve been closely linked to the Pharisees and would probably go against the idea of Jesus and what He was doing. Instead, we see a leader going against the grain and submitting to Jesus for His help. Jairus shows us daring and respect towards Jesus.

Whilst Jesus then travels with Jairus to help his daughter, we come across a lady who has had prolonged suffering of bleeding. For 12 years she has suffered, and even though she has been seen by doctors they cannot cure her. In Leviticus 15:25 it states “if a woman has a flow of blood for many days that is unrelated to her menstrual period, or if the blood continues beyond the normal period, she is ceremonially unclean.” It was seen that anybody that touches a woman that is bleeding would also be considered unclean. This woman, who has suffered for so long was desperate to be cured. She knew that if Jesus were to touch her, He would be seen as unclean also and so in desperation she touches His cloak. Immediately she is healed! She has suffered for many years without being cured and the mere touch of Jesus’ cloak has cured her! Talk about a divine miracle!

In verse 30 it says “At once Jesus realised that power had gone out from him”. His power is so great that Jesus can sense a change. What does that show us about Jesus’s power? Not only from a healing point of view that the woman was healed from only touching His clothes, but also that Jesus Himself knew something had happened. When Jesus stops to ask who had touched Him, the lady is fearful. She most likely worried that she will be punished as she was considered unclean because of her condition, she tells Jesus the truth of what she did and we see that Jesus doesn’t punish her or rebuke her – He says “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Not only is this woman now free from physical suffering of bleeding, but it will mean she is now considered clean within the community and accepted by others. Jesus has saved this woman from her previous life and given her a new one.


Time to reflect…

1.       Just like Jesus in these passages, we sometimes face changes of direction on a regular basis – we have a set task to do and then something else pops up. How can we be more understanding in these situations when other things crop up that were unexpected?

2.       Just like this woman, Jesus gave her a new life to her because of her faith in Him. It’s nice to sometimes take a moment and remember how Jesus has saved us in our own lives.

Pause to pray…

Heavenly Father,

As we read more and more about the acts you perform and the people you save, we are reminded of how loving you are. We thank you for loving every single one of us so much that you remove our own pain and suffering because of the faith we have in You. Help us to remember the love you have shown us and to praise your name.

In your Holy name we pray






Daily Devotional for Wednesday 15th May


Daily Devotional for Monday 13th May