Daily Devotional for Monday 29th April

Rules for life

Mark 2:23-28  

I can remember as a child out on walks with my parents and passing by cornfields along the way. It wasn’t because we were hungry that we picked one of the heads of wheat that were growing right next to the path, but rather that it was interesting to use our hands to separate the seeds and remove the husk. It was a bit like a science experiment, but of course we ate the wheat, not that it was particularly tasty in its uncooked state.


It would never have crossed my mind in a month of Sundays that this could be considered as the work of harvesting and I doubt whether the disciples thought so either. Not so the religious policemen in the form of the Pharisees, who were hanging around Jesus trying to pick arguments with Him and discredit Him as best they could. In their view plucking corn constituted work and this was banned on the Sabbath.


In response Jesus refers to David who in desperate need broke religious law by eating consecrated bread from the Temple and makes the point that concept of the Sabbath was for our good. It was to help us, not that we would live in constant fear of slipping up on one of the rules, but rather so that we might benefit from the rest it provided.


We are reminded that Christ does not watch us like a hawk, trying to catch us out, but rather wants us to enjoy the freedom and benefits God intends for us.


Time to reflect….

Thank God for the freedom we have in Christ and that we are not subject to the rules of religious policemen. Then reflect on whether we take too many liberties with that freedom. Is what we choose to do to please ourselves or please God?


Pause to pray…

Father God, help us to live our lives in the freedom of Christ but with our eyes firmly fixed on you as our leader and director of the way to eternal life. In Jesus name we pray.  Amen


Daily Devotional for Tuesday 30th April


Daily Devotional for Friday 26th April