Daily Devotional for Friday 26th April

Moving On

Mark 2:18-22

The Pharisees and the disciples of John are all in Capernaum listening to Jesus and watching what He does and says. The topic is fasting. Surely fasting is good? Aren’t the disciples of Jesus praying for the same things as we are? A fracture has appeared between the different factions and they are trying to work it out.

Jesus here provides an answer. The bridegroom – Jesus - is here and his groomsmen are partying, not fasting. They only stop partying when the groom is married. Then they will fast. Jesus talks about the difference between His movement and those of John and the Pharisees. You can’t put a new patch on old cloth or it will tear. New wine will burst old wineskins. John and the Pharisees have something of the old order about them. Jesus brings something new that will require them to rethink their faith. This is not to say there’s no place for fasting in the Christian life. Jesus takes it for granted here and in Matthew 6 v 16 and 17. What’s wrong on this occasion is that His critics have failed to see His ministry for what it is: a time of compassion, healing, forgiveness, release, freedom and joy.

The word ‘new’ is a clue to what Jesus is talking about, since Mark has previously only used the word in relation to Jesus’ teaching (see Mark 1 v 27). Jesus has moved on to interpret the Law in a new way, which He claims is the only way. We only taste Jesus’ new wine when we try out His commands.

Time to reflect…

If we want to join the party we need to think through the way we act and work out what changes we need to make in our lives to live out Jesus’ teachings.

Pause to pray…

Lord Jesus Christ, shape my expectations of you so that I learn to want only what you desire and follow where you lead. Amen


Daily Devotional for Monday 29th April


Daily Devotional for Thursday 25th April