Thursday 12th October
A Final Exhortation
Yesterday we saw something of Samuel’s vulnerability as he sought public validation of his ministry. In today’s passage we notice his sense of responsibility. Samuel would continue as the people’s spiritual director, their priest and prophet; it was his political role that Saul would take.
We see that spiritual guidance continuing now. Speaking with something of his old authority he gives an overview of history and spells out the blessing-or-curse choice that is often seen in the Old Testament. For example, Deuteronomy 11 vs 26 – 28 state: ‘See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse – the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God…the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God….’ Samuel’s hope is that the people will ‘fear the Lord and serve and obey Him’ (v 14). Throughout the Old Testament we read of God’s people’s journey of faith and trust in God only time and again for them to fall into sin and turn away from their Lord. In His great love and infinite patience, the Lord had rescued them and had brought them to this point. Now Samuel wanted to give a final exhortation to them all before Saul took over. Hence his ‘If you fear the Lord’ in verse 14, followed by ‘But if you do not obey the Lord… His hand will be against you…’ (v 15). Perhaps today we should take more seriously the consequences of the increasing negation of God’s Holy word. God is merciful and patient with us today too, and has shown His great love for us by sending Jesus to provide the way to salvation. But throughout Scripture we are warned that wilful disobedience will ultimately lead to His hand being against us.
Time to reflect…
Spend time to read again verses 14 and 15. Perhaps keep them ready to look at regularly as a reminder, in the light of all the pressures of our culture to turn away from Him, to be faithful to the Lord who has rescued you.
Pause to pray…
Using the words of the old hymn, pray:
May we turn our eyes on you Jesus, may we look full into your wonderful face so that the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of your glory and grace. Amen