Friday 13 October

1 Samuel 12:16-25

Wholehearted Obedience

We are increasingly being made aware of climate change around the world with droughts followed by torrential rain, both causing tremendous damage and chaos – and fear. For ancient Israel, the sudden thunderstorm during the wheat harvest was extremely unusual for them and would have made them very fearful. It certainly made them listen to Samuel on this occasion. Earlier in our readings from 1 Samuel we saw the tension regarding the rightness or otherwise of their desire for a king (see Samuel 8). The thunderstorm now convicted them of their sin in this respect, but Samuel reassured them that God hadn’t abandoned them. What they needed to do was to return to Him, wholeheartedly. They were in a covenant relationship with God and His name was at stake (v 22), so He would continue with His side of the agreement. But the people needed to fulfil their side with wholehearted obedience.

As we saw yesterday, this is a constant refrain in Scripture. Sin is not the end, but it’s important to repent and live differently, in obedience to God’s commands. So John in his first letter tells us: ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness’ (1 John 1:9).

Israel now would have the encouragement of Samuel’s prayers, as well as ongoing instruction in the good and right way (v 23). For their part, the people needed to serve the Lord faithfully and wholeheartedly, while remembering all He had done for them (v 24). Remembering is an essential part of our discipleship too. We consciously need to bring to mind what it cost Jesus to keep us in relationship with God and to determine to live in obedience to Him daily.

Time to reflect…

What for you does it mean to be wholehearted about something? Does this apply to your relationship with Jesus?

Pause to pray…

The old hymn goes:

We may not know, we cannot tell/What pains He had to bear, / But we believe it was for us/ He hung and suffered there.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, – may we always remember the cost you paid to keep us in relationship with God and may we always seek to live in obedience to you. Amen


Monday 16th October


Thursday 12th October