Tuesday 10th October
In Step with the Spirit
We have seen previously that Saul’s ability to be king had its doubters. What finally convinced his doubters was his bold victory over Nahash, a particularly nasty character (v 2).
Yet initially Saul was being very unking-like and was returning from tending his fields when messengers came seeking help. But it was the threat to Jabesh Gilead that galvanised the young leader into action. Sometimes a leader must show restrain (as Saul did in v 13) while at other times righteous anger is appropriate (vs 6, 7). Saul was able to find the right balance because ‘the Spirit of God came powerfully on him’ (v 6). Staying in step with the Holy Spirit is the first priority for anyone who wants to serve God. As Paul writes: ‘Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.’ (Galatians 5 v 25).
How can we keep in step with the Spirit? There are many ways but all begin with a heart that wants to be directed by God and then this needs supporting by prayer.
At this point Saul is functioning well, keeping in step with the Spirit. He shows he is a capable leader, demonstrating good military tactics (dividing the army into three companies (v 11) yet still showing appropriate humility, especially in recognising the victory came from God and refusing to take vengeance when there were calls for him to punish those who had initially opposed him (v13). So at this stage he appears to be the right man for the job. There may be times when we feel ‘on top of the job’ in obeying God’s purposes for us. Maintaining this though depends on us keeping in step the Spirit at all times.
Time to reflect…
Are you the right person for the job you are doing, either secular work or church-related ministry? Do you need to ask God if He wants you to change anything?
Pause to pray…
Father God, open our hearts so that we always desire to be directed by your Holy Spirit in all we do. In Jesus’ name we pray Amen