Daily Devotional for Friday 15th December

Mary’s Song

Luke 1: 46-56

These verses of Mary’s song are so beautifully written. Here we have Mary who not only speaks these words but sings – a strong way in which most people praise God on a very regular basis.

Mary repeats throughout how humbled she is at God choosing her, and how Glorious our God is.

The line “He has lifted up the humble” is again another reference to how God doesn’t necessarily choose the most strong or powerful people, but those who are willing to do His work, those who will be and remain faithful to Him. God is a champion to the people who are weaker, poorer, and oppressed.

This song also tells us how those people who don’t reflect God’s ways are broken down. Those who are proud are scattered, and rulers brought down. God is fair and just. He is merciful and will honour those who love and follow Him and Him alone.

At this point, Mary doesn’t know what will come of Jesus, and yet she knows He will come to save the world as she says “just as He promised our ancestors”. Mary knew Jesus’ mission from before birth. We find in Jeremiah 1:5 it says “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” Remember that God makes all of us in His image, we are all children of God. Whereas Jesus was empty of sin, and even though we as humans are guilty of sin, we can find forgiveness through Jesus, our saviour.


Time to reflect…

1.       Just as Mary sang praise to God, how can we praise Him? Are there certain worship songs or hymns that come to mind that really hit that point of pure unconditional love?

2.       Take time to write down five words that automatically come into your mind that you would use to describe your love for God. Use them to pray and give thanks to how amazing our God is.

3.       Is there a set line from the song that really speaks to your heart? Why does this one particularly set apart from the rest?


Pause to pray…

Heavenly Father, just as Mary sang to you, we pray in worship to You and tell you how wondrous You are. Thank you for being so forgiving and fair to all of us who follow You. As Mary said – my spirit rejoices in God my saviour – I live to serve You fully throughout my life.

In Jesus almighty name




Daily Devotional for Monday 18th December


Daily Devotional for Thursday 14th December