Daily Devotional for Wednesday 24th January
Bring it to God
In today’s reading, we see David make the decision to find refuge among the Philistines. Ten chapters previously we see David as the hero who defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone, as part of the battle between the Israelites and Philistines. How things have changed! Instead of celebrating the defeat of the Philistines, David comes to them for a safe place to live. He knows Saul won’t pursue him if he enters Philistine territory (v.1). David not only finds safe shelter in Philistine land but he is even given one of the country towns: Ziklag.
It’s interesting to think about how both David and the Philistines might have felt about this. Did David enter Philistine land knowing that he would be recognised? Feared? Probably not. He needed a place to stay. He may have been afraid of retaliation and rejection. Perhaps he came with humility. He says to the king of Gath, ‘Why should your servant live in the royal city with you?’ (v.5). How would the Philistines feel about having David living in their land, after he defeated Goliath? Would they feel like welcoming him in with open arms? Would they want to help him? Would they be afraid of him?
Our relationships with others can cover all of those emotions and feelings too! As we journey through this first month of 2024, are there relationships that need restoration? Are there people you need to come to with humility and apologise to? Are you afraid of rejection? Are there people you need to forgive? It’s not always the right move to reconcile and trust people again after they have hurt us. But it’s always right to begin a journey of forgiveness, with God helping us. Let’s not live chained to the past, dragging around the baggage of hurt, disappointment, unforgiveness, and pride. Instead, let’s hand these things over to God as many times as it takes for us to let go and let God bring healing and restoration.
Time to reflect…
• Are there relationships in your life that need restoration? Are there people you need to come to with humility and apologise to? Are there people you need to forgive?
• Would you describe yourself as a people-pleaser? Are you afraid of rejection? Do you put other people’s opinions about you above God’s?
• What baggage have you brought with you into 2024?
Pause to pray…
Take some time to hand over any baggage (hurt, disappointment, unforgiveness, pride…) to God. Imagine laying it all down at the foot of the cross. Pray for the people you know, the ones you get on well with and the ones you find difficult. Pray for God’s wisdom about any challenging relationships with friends and family.