Daily Devotional for Thursday 15th February

Working for reconciliation

Philemon 1:18-25

Sometimes we see Paul as a strong character standing up for what he believes is right and taking the consequences for upsetting those who were opposed to his gospel message. In this short letter, we actually see a quite a compassionate and affectionate side of Paul. He refers to Philemon as his brother and Onesimus his son ‘who is my very heart’ v12. In our reading today, we see him go one step further.

In all probability, Onesimus would have helped himself to provisions and even money to help him escape and travel. So, in verse 18, we see Paul telling Philemon that he will pay for any loss that he has incurred.  In doing so he models the reconciliation of a relationship.  As Martin Luther pointed out, ‘Even as Christ did for us with God the Father; thus Paul also does for Onesimus’. To restore our relationship with God, Christ paid with his life what we owed. So, it is Paul, who is prepared to pay what Onesimus owes to restore his relationship with Philemon.

Notice how in all of this Paul does not pass judgment on Philemon as a slave owner or on Onesimus as a runaway slave. Instead, he is prepared to affirm his loving commitment to both parties and a willingness to absorb any costs. In doing so he models Christ in a way that fosters a deeper faith in both Philemon and Onesimus and most likely the Christian church in Colossae as well.

Time to reflect…

Notice how Paul is prepared to invest not only his time and effort but also his money to help restore the relationship between Philemon and Onesimus. Are there similar situations where we can help broken relationships?

Pause to pray…

Creator God, thank you that when we were still far off you met us in your Son and reconciled us to yourself in Christ Jesus. Where there is a need, like Paul, to guide and help us to support reconciliation between our brothers and sisters in Christ. We ask this to bring glory to your name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Daily Devotional for Friday 16th February


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 14th February