Daily Devotional for Tuesday 16th July

Treating people fairly.

Mark 14: 53-65

The passages start by us seeing that Peter followed after Jesus from a distance, but then sat with the guards to warm himself whilst his Rabbi and friend was being beaten and questioned – this interaction from Peter seems quite upsetting, as previously seen in Mark 14:31 Peter tells Jesus “If I have to die with you, I will never disown you” and yet Peter doesn’t seem to be suffering at this time at all, in fact it sounds like the opposite.

We also read how unjust and corrupt the Sanhedrin were. The Sanhedrin were a group of high priests and religious experts that held the supreme council and tribunals of the Jews. These men would be highly educated and looked up to and yet their minds were already made up on the guilty verdict of Jesus.

What would happen today if a court case was seen to be fixed before giving a person a fair and just trial?

Whilst Jesus was on trial, there were numerous false testimonies made, including one where Jesus’ words were twisted. This is the power of words, they can be taken and used for good and also bad. The Sanhedrin had already marked Jesus guilty and because the evidence wasn’t adding up, they used their own power to twist and manipulate the situation to their advantage.

Throughout the trial Jesus remained quiet, but when asked “are you the Messiah, the son of the Blessed One?” He answers “I am”. What a bold and beautiful statement even in the midst of what will follow. Jesus knows His own fate and He remains strong. Sometimes in life we may waver in our answers to protect ourselves, but we should take comfort in knowing that Jesus stood firm and we can too because of our faith in Jesus and our heavenly Father.


Time to reflect…

1.       Sometimes we may come across people and are quick to make assumptions without giving them a fair “trial”. Let us learn from this and treat everyone justly.

2.       Sometimes it can be hard to stay quiet when rumours and lies are being spoken, but silence can also offer a stronger power and allow us to think before acting or speaking in anger.

Pause to pray…

Lord Jesus, we pray and thank You for the sacrifice You made. Throughout history and to this day we see so many unjust things happening in the world around us. Lord, we pray for those who are being mistreated and unjustly and raise them to You. We pray for Your peace and Holy Spirit to be with them and give them strength.

In Your name we pray








Daily Devotional for Wednesday 17th July


Daily Devotional for Monday 15th July