Daily Devotional for Friday 11th October

Loving Deeply

1 Peter 1: 17 - 25

Peter is writing to displaced people, many of whom are suffering. Each of the words used by Peter for the people he is addressing (translated variously in English as ‘foreigners’, ‘strangers’, ‘sojourners’, and ‘exiles’) has a slightly different connotation but all point to a situation that is temporary. This is the same sense in which we are ‘foreigners’ (v 17). The reference here (and previously in v 4) to ‘heaven’ does not imply that the sojourner should try to escape this present world to an ethereal other place! This world in which we live was created by God and was seen to be ‘good’ (Genesis 1: 26-31) and was for us to care for and enjoy. Jesus will return to complete its restoration under his divine rule (Rev. 21: 1-4). Rather, ‘heaven’ is the realm of God who guarantees and keeps safe our final salvation.

Peter goes on to urge his readers to have sincere love for one another – that having being purified by obeying the truth they must now love one another deeply from the heart.

Time to reflect…

Linking truth and love together as Peter does (v 22) can challenge us today. Within God’s family we must value truth – the Word of God – highly, yet must try to continue to show compassion and kindness to those who hold a differing view.

Pause to pray…

Loving God, we long to enter fully into all you created us to be, to see your kingdom come. Accept our service now as gratitude for all you are doing in us. Amen


Daily Devotional for Monday 14th October


Daily Devotional for Thursday 10th October