Daily Devotional for Tuesday 21st May

Jesus feeds the five thousand

Mark 6:30-44

This is one of the more well-known miracles of Jesus – one of the few to appear in all 4 gospels. It’s in Jewish territory and so the emphasis here is on Jesus the redeemer of Israel.  The disciples are busy telling Jesus about all they have been doing. You can just imagine an excited conversation taking place. People were coming to Jesus and interrupting the conversation.  So much, that Jesus suggested to His disciples that they go somewhere quieter so they can eat and rest.


However, Jesus is becoming more and more well-known and people are recognising Him.  They begin to follow Him and somehow work out where He and the disciples are heading and beat them there! By the time Jesus and His disciples arrive at their destination, there is already a large crowd. Instead of sending people away or finding a different place, Jesus has compassion and begins teaching. It gets late and people are hungry, but again, instead of sending people away, Jesus provides what they need. He takes 5 loaves and 2 fish, (which we read in John’s gospel is provided by a little boy!), and provides a feast!  Take note here - He doesn’t just provide enough for them have a little meal, He provides more than they need – a whole 12 baskets are left over and everyone has enough to eat; they are satisfied.


Time to reflect…

What do you need from God at the moment? He may not always provide for us in the way we expect, or even want(!), but He does provide what we need in abundance!


Do you notice a similarity between God’s dealings with His people in Exodus and Jesus’ provision for the people in these verses?


Pause to pray…


Father, we praise you for your provision of your Son as our redeemer. We praise you for your compassion you show to us in Christ.


The Lord is my Shepherd
I've all that I need
He makes me lie down
Where the pastures are green
Beside quiet waters
He leads me to rest
And guides me on paths
Of His righteousness

This He has done His great name to display



(Lyrics: The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23) Keith & Kristyn Getty & Tom Douglas)






Daily Devotional for Wednesday 22nd May


Daily Devotional for Monday 20th May