Daily Devotional for Wednesday 27th March
Jesus and Pilate
Today we reflect on Jesus’ time before Pilate. The Jewish leaders took Jesus to Pilate, desperate to execute him but unable to do so themselves. It is widely thought that the trial of Jesus broke many of the Jewish laws about trials. For example, it happened during a feat time (Passover) which wasn’t allowed. And a night should have passed after He was given the death penalty, but it was only a few hours. And yet, the Jewish leaders were still concerned about their cleanness. Verse 28 says that as they arrived at Pilate’s palace, ‘to avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace, because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover’. How could they have been so willing to break many laws, but still be concerned with being clean for Passover?! Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He often spoke to the Pharisees and pointed out their hypocrisy. ‘…you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also?’ (Luke 11:39).
As Pilate questions Jesus, Jesus speaks about His kingdom and the truth. Which leads to Pilate’s remark: ‘What is truth?’ - this is such a relevant question in an age where information isn’t checked before being believed and fake news is everywhere. The ironic thing is that the Truth is stood right in front of Pilate and he doesn’t recognise Him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
Pilate announces that he finds ‘no basis for a charge against him’ but follows the people’s custom of allowing one prisoner to go free. The people chose Barabbas, a criminal who had taken part in an uprising. Not long before, they had been welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem waving palm branches, spreading the cloaks on the floor and shouting ‘Hosanna!’. Now they want Him imprisoned, and in John 19 we hear their shouts of ‘Crucify’. It can be hard for us to imagine how the people could have changed their minds so quickly. But can’t we be the same? One day professing that Jesus is our Saviour and the next living our lives as if we don’t know Him at all…
Time to reflect…
• As you reflect on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders, are there any parts of your life which appear clean on the outside but are not on the inside?
• Spend some time thinking about Pilate’s question to Jesus: What is truth? Write down any thoughts that come to mind.
Pause to pray…
Jesus, thank you that you are the way, the truth and the life. Help us to found our lives on you. Help us to be concerned with what’s on the inside of us, and not fall into legalistic behaviours. As we reflect on all you went through on your journey to the cross, we are reminded once again of how grateful we are for what you have done for us. Thank you. Amen.