Daily Devotional for Monday 11th March

Life by the Spirit 

Galatians 5:13-18

Read the verses again, slowly.

“The flesh” in the Apostle Paul’s language means our fallen human nature. John Stott described it as our attitudes that are ‘twisted with self-centeredness and therefore prone to sin.’

Time to reflect…

When was the last time you identified these desires in your life?


‘Spirit’ and ‘flesh’ conflict – they want different things. If we live in step with the Spirit, (meaning hearing His word in the bible, praying and obeying it), then we can’t just do as we want and please ourselves. We may not be ‘under law’ and have lots of rules to keep, like some people were insisting in Galatia, but we are to be like Christ and are called to love one another.


Time to reflect…

How might it look in your life if you were led more by the Spirit and served others more and with more humility?


Pause to pray…

Father, I repent of the times I just follow my own desires without thinking about what you would have me do or think.


I thank you for reminding me of the freedom from sin that I have in Christ.


I thank you for speaking to me in your word, the bible, and by your Spirit. I pray that you would keep speaking to me as I read your word. Please soften my heart to help me be led by your Spirit and help me recognise the difference between the desires of ‘flesh’ and ‘spirit.’



Daily Devotional for Tuesday 12th March


Daily Devotional for Friday 8th March