Daily Devotional for Friday 1st March

God’s timing 

Galatians 4: 1-7

For the last devotional this week, we look at the beginning of chapter 4. Paul writes that God’s timing to send Jesus to Earth was the perfect time. God’s timing is never too early or too late. This is something we can learn from and remember even now, putting our full faith in God’s timing and realising that our prayers will be answered at the right time according to God, not our wishes. This can be difficult to do in a world where everything is so fast-paced and readily available, sometimes the waiting can feel uncomfortable and make you want to try and change things yourself.

Paul also reminds us that Jesus was both human “born of a woman” and Jewish “born under the law” and because of these things He followed the law completely – He was the perfect human. This meant that when He sacrificed Himself on the cross, He took our sins so that we could have a life closer to God. Paul writes we received “adoption to sonship”. At the time, if you were adopted, you were granted full rights to your father’s property, even though you weren’t born to him. You weren’t seen as second to biological children. We are all adopted by God through Jesus. We are all equal in our Father’s eyes.

This letter to the Galatians is a reminder to trust in God, trust in His timings, and to have full faith in Him. Following the laws is necessary to lead a life the way God intended us to live, but it isn’t the sole way to live. Having faith is the most important part of having a true relationship with God Himself. Paul is reminding the Galatians to keep their eyes on Jesus.

Time to reflect…

1.       What can we implement to slow our focus down when our prayers don’t get answered straight away? How can we lean into God closer at these times instead of trying to fix things ourselves?

2.       What key sentences from the verses this week stick out to you the most? Is there a particular one that speaks to your heart?


Pause to pray…

Heavenly Father

I put my full trust and faith in You. At times when I feel restless from unanswered prayers, I remember Paul’s letter to the Galatians and I refocus my attention on knowing Your timing is all that matters. Help me to remember this and put into practice the patience needed knowing You have my life in Your hands.

In Jesus’ name, I pray



Daily Devotional for Monday 4th March


Daily Devotional for Thursday 29th February